Thanks, Lynn. It’s very lonely out here.

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Fern you Dear brave Woman.my

Grandmother used to say There’s your Story Their. Story and then there’s the Truth ! I know you are telling the Truth ❤️

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I’m listening, but I’m an Israeli now. If only more understood the “unfairness” of it all. The frustration of it all. The futility of blaming Israel and not truly looking at Hama’s actions. Dayenu. At least the US tried a targeted dropping of aid.

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I was hoping you would write about this. It is infuriating after Hamas kills their own people to prevent them from receiving aid, to then decide only now that "desperate people should not be shot at" (person in charge of US foreign aid I heard on radio, you can probably track down the quote) and launch an investigation. !!!

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I know that this might seem convoluted but here goes. Trump needs to change his tune on nato. He needs to push for the expulsion of Tyrke or however it gets spelt now. The original purpose was a bulwark against Russia communism. That’s gone Turkey is clearly in the camp of Russia, China, Iran. Raus un bit funny coming from a Jewish guy.

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Kuffr, you’re totally right. Turkey no longer belongs in NATO.

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Thank you for being a voice of truth. Please keep speaking, we need you.

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