May 20Liked by Fern (writing FernMusing)

Also excellent questions about Hamas, tunnels and aid. Bet that goes unanswered. Oh, and I loved the chicken piece. Very funny. Keep your spirits up. Decent people who think for themselves and have honor stand with you and your countrymen and always will.

I may not be Jewish but I meant it when I said Never Again.

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I’ve followed the death of the ambassador’s granddaughter and seen nothing to suggest it was the result of antisemitism. The man who is believed to have hit her is a 78-year-old Cuban-American who says he did not know he had hit anyone. She was bobbing around in the water waiting for a friend to pick her up and the man, who was alone and was not drinking, has cooperated extensively with police. Sadly, it is appearing to be a terrible accident. She was a lovely young woman and this is such a tragic loss.

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